Port Number:
This is a list of Internet socket port numbers used by protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite for the establishment of host-to-host communications
- Number port
- 1 tcpmux
- 5 rje
- 7 echo
- 9 discard
- 11 systat
- 13 daytime
- 15 netstat
- 17 qotd
- 18 send/rwp
- 19 chargen
- 20 ftp-data
- 21 ftp
- 22 ssh, pcAnywhere
- 23 Telnet
- 25 SMTP
- 27 ETRN
- 29 msg-icp
- 31 msg-auth
- 33 dsp
- 37 time
- 38 RAP
- 39 rlp
- 42 nameserv, WINS
- 43 whois, nickname
- 49 TACACS, Login Host Protocol
- 50 RMCP, re-mail-ck
- 53 DNS
- 57 MTP
- 59 NFILE
- 63 whois++
- 66 sql*net
- 67 bootps
- 68 bootpd/dhcp
- 69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (tftp)
- 70 Gopher
- 79 finger
- 80 www-http
- 88 Kerberos, WWW
- 95 supdup
- 96 DIXIE
- 98 linuxconf
- 102 ISO, X.400, ITOT
- 105 cso
- 106 poppassd
- 109 POP2
- 110 POP3
- 111 Sun RPC Portmapper
- 113 identd/auth
- 115 sftp
- 117 uucp
- 119 NNTP
- 120 CFDP
- 123 NTP
- 124 SecureID
- 129 PWDGEN
- 133 statsrv
- 135 loc-srv/epmap
- 137 netbios-ns
- 138 netbios-dgm (UDP)
- 139 NetBIOS
- 143 IMAP
- 144 NewS
- 152 BFTP
- 153 SGMP
- 161 SNMP
- 175 vmnet
- 177 XDMCP
- 178 NextStep Window Server
- 179 BGP
- 180 SLmail admin
- 199 smux
- 210 Z39.50
- 218 MPP
- 220 IMAP3
- 259 ESRO
- 264 FW1_topo
- 311 Apple WebAdmin
- 350 MATIP type A
- 351 MATIP type B
- 363 RSVP tunnel
- 366 ODMR (On-Demand Mail Relay)
- 387 AURP (AppleTalk Update-Based Routing Protocol)
- 389 LDAP
- 407 Timbuktu
- 434 Mobile IP
- 443 ssl
- 444 snpp, Simple Network Paging Protocol
- 445 SMB
- 458 QuickTime TV/Conferencing
- 468 Photuris
- 500 ISAKMP, pluto
- 512 biff, rexec
- 513 who, rlogin
- 514 syslog, rsh
- 515 lp, lpr, line printer
- 517 talk
- 520 RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
- 521 RIPng
- 522 ULS
- 531 IRC
- 543 KLogin, AppleShare over IP
- 545 QuickTime
- 548 AFP
- 554 Real Time Streaming Protocol
- 555 phAse Zero
- 563 NNTP over SSL
- 575 VEMMI
- 581 Bundle Discovery Protocol
- 593 MS-RPC
- 608 SIFT/UFT
- 626 Apple ASIA
- 631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
- 635 mountd
- 636 sldap
- 642 EMSD
- 648 RRP (NSI Registry Registrar Protocol)
- 655 tinc
- 660 Apple MacOS Server Admin
- 666 Doom
- 674 ACAP
- 687 AppleShare IP Registry
- 700 buddyphone
- 705 AgentX for SNMP
- 901 swat, realsecure
- 993 s-imap
- 995 s-pop
- 1062 Veracity
- 1080 SOCKS
- 1085 WebObjects
- 1227 DNS2Go
- 1243 SubSeven
- 1338 Millennium Worm
- 1352 Lotus Notes
- 1381 Apple Network License Manager
- 1417 Timbuktu
- 1418 Timbuktu
- 1419 Timbuktu
- 1433 Microsoft SQL Server
- 1434 Microsoft SQL Monitor
- 1494 Citrix ICA Protocol
- 1503 T.120
- 1521 Oracle SQL
- 1525 prospero
- 1526 prospero
- 1527 tlisrv
- 1604 Citrix ICA, MS Terminal Server
- 1645 RADIUS Authentication
- 1646 RADIUS Accounting
- 1680 Carbon Copy
- 1701 L2TP/LSF
- 1717 Convoy
- 1720 H.323/Q.931
- 1723 PPTP control port
- 1755 Windows Media .asf
- 1758 TFTP multicast
- 1812 RADIUS server
- 1813 RADIUS accounting
- 1818 ETFTP
- 1985 HSRP
- 1999 Cisco AUTH
- 2001 glimpse
- 2049 NFS
- 2064 distributed.net
- 2065 DLSw
- 2066 DLSw
- 2106 MZAP
- 2140 DeepThroat
- 2301 Compaq Insight Management Web Agents
- 2327 Netscape Conference
- 2336 Apple UG Control
- 2427 MGCP gateway
- 2504 WLBS
- 2535 MADCAP
- 2543 sip
- 2592 netrek
- 2727 MGCP call agent
- 2628 DICT
- 2998 ISS Real Secure Console Service Port
- 3000 Firstclass
- 3031 Apple AgentVU
- 3128 squid
- 3130 ICP
- 3150 DeepThroat
- 3264 ccmail
- 3283 Apple NetAssitant
- 3288 COPS
- 3305 ODETTE
- 3306 mySQL
- 3389 RDP Protocol (Terminal Server)
- 3521 netrek
- 4000 icq, command-n-conquer
- 4321 rwhois
- 4333 mSQL
- 4827 HTCP
- 5004 RTP
- 5005 RTP
- 5010 Yahoo! Messenger
- 5060 SIP
- 5190 AIM
- 5500 securid
- 5501 securidprop
- 5423 Apple VirtualUser
- 5631 PCAnywhere data
- 5632 PCAnywhere
- 5800 VNC
- 5801 VNC
- 5900 VNC
- 5901 VNC
- 6000 X Windows
- 6112 BattleNet
- 6502 Netscape Conference
- 6667 IRC
- 6670 VocalTec Internet Phone, DeepThroat
- 6699 napster
- 6776 Sub7
- 6970 RTP
- 7007 MSBD, Windows Media encoder
- 7070 RealServer/QuickTime
- 7778 Unreal
- 7648 CU-SeeMe
- 7649 CU-SeeMe
- 8010 WinGate 2.1
- 8080 HTTP
- 8181 HTTP
- 8383 IMail WWW
- 8875 napster
- 8888 napster
- 10008 cheese worm
- 11371 PGP 5 Keyserver
- 13223 PowWow
- 13224 PowWow
- 14237 Palm
- 14238 Palm
- 18888 LiquidAudio
- 21157 Activision
- 23213 PowWow
- 23214 PowWow
- 23456 EvilFTP
- 26000 Quake
- 27001 QuakeWorld
- 27010 Half-Life
- 27015 Half-Life
- 27960 QuakeIII
- 30029 AOL Admin
- 31337 Back Orifice
- 32777 rpc.walld
- 40193 Novell
- 41524 arcserve discovery
- 45000 Cisco NetRanger postofficed
- 32773 rpc.ttdbserverd
- 32776 rpc.spray
- 32779 rpc.cmsd
- 38036 timestep
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